Down syndrome couple set record for the longest marriage of 25 years, until husband passes away.

Love is beautiful when is unconditional. When beings love unconditionally, the light that comes from it can fade the sun and the sound that resonates from it, makes the lighting look like a mere whisper. I am talking about the kind of love that doesn’t just last for years, but for ages, after the death of people and it keeps coming back in the Universe to hit two other people that will make that perfect couple that the world will cherish and remember until the end of time.

When beings love unconditionally, the light that comes from it can fade the sun and the sound that resonates from it, makes the lighting look like a mere whisper

How can love fade if the souls are connected to their very core since the stardust created us and they keep dancing together life photons in the suspense of the energy? People might die and leave this planet, but the love will remain. The love will remain because it was formed to everlast. The love will remain in the hearts and minds of those that stay to read or hear the story.

How can love fade if the souls are connected to their very core since the stardust created us and they keep dancing together life photons in the suspense of the energy?

Paul and Kris are a couple that suffers from Down Syndrome. They met each other at a very young age during a dancing night for the people with disabilities. Ever since that first dance, the spark between them was strong. Years later they have decided to marry each other and spend their whole lives together. And they have made the best out of their lives.

Ever since that first dance, the spark between them was strong. It wasn’t just the fact that they had a common disease, but the fact that they were meant for each other.

During the whole period that they were married together, they have become important figures to the people that might be in the same situation as them. They have stood strong by each other’s side through thick and thin. And this gave away a message. A very powerful message. And that is that even people with disabilities have the ability to love and feel deeply for one another.

Paul was the man of the house and he was the one that worked and provided food. During 2013 he even got the title Person of the Year by Onondaga. But recently he developed Alzheimer’s disease and his health started to decline. Kriss started struggling herself with pneumonia and it seemed that the old couple wasn’t going to be together for a very long time. Knowing this they decided to give themselves another last vacation. They moved to their home in Siracusa where Paul could get his treatment.

With his health declining, even more, they had to meet rarely but would make the best out the limited time they had. For the 25th anniversary of their wedding they met and renewed their vows. Another six months passed by and the couple had the chance to celebrate Valentine’s day together. Kriss wrote a note for Paul, letting him know that he was the man that she always dreamt of. A few days later Paul passed away. And this was the ending of the longest Down Syndrome marriage, but not of pure love.
