‘Sarcasm queen’ girl strikes back to an atheist who wanted to talk to her about the nonexistence of God.

When it comes to believing in God I have my own personal experiences and theories and I like to keep them to myself. I am a believer, however, even though different from the way that most people believe in. So I do my best to keep my opinions to myself and not force them to other people, and especially strangers or people who I feel might not really understand what I am talking about. I think this is the best way to avoid arguments.

“I do my best to keep my opinions to myself and not force them to other people, and especially strangers or people who I feel might not really understand what I am talking about.”

But not everybody is like me and the world is full of people who are entitled. In fact, their level of entitlement goes up so high that they dare to force their opinions on someone else. And if that other person has a different opinion? Well in the eyes of the entitled person that means that person has a lower intelligence than him. They don’t know what diversity means and that the only reason that life is beautiful is thanks to different opinions.

The world is full of people who are entitled and who think they are the only ones that are right and everyone else around them has to adapt or better yet, conform to their way of thinking.

This is death to most people. Because if you cannot learn to accept someone else's opinion you cannot grow. And if you cannot grow, then you will end up in a deep denial where you are going to think that you are the only one who is right and everyone else is wrong. Eventually, this pattern of thinking will lead you towards ego and selfishness. You will feel as though you are ‘God’, (which we all are by the way), and you will twist and turn into your own hell of delusion, never finding peace, true friendship or love, which will eventually lead you to a life of suffering and inner resistance.

Eventually, this pattern of thinking will lead you towards ego and selfishness. You will feel as though you are ‘God’, but in fact you are stuck in the fakeness of ego.

An atheist man was on the plane one day and he was sitting next to a little girl. He felt the need to have a conversation with someone so he decided to spark one up with the little girl, who was reading a book. He started the conversation by asking her if they could talk, and she asked him what could they talk about. Almost immediately the man said that he wanted to talk about the non-existence of God or Heaven or Hell or even afterlife and he was anxious to express his views to the little girl.

She looked at him and then said that they can talk about that but first she must ask him something. The man agreed and she continued to ask him why is it that three different animals like a deer, a cow, and a horse eat the same thing, which is grass but their faeces are all different. Wondering, the man replied that he doesn’t know. That’s when the little girl crashed his world with a perfect sarcasm, saying that how can the man want to talk about the non-existence of God as if he knows something when he doesn’t even know ‘crap’.
