Vet refuses to Put down an 18-year-old dog. Instead, he did something else

Getting a dog while he's just a puppy is something really special to us. It's a moment of emotions of joy and happiness rushing through. And we are excited to be with him and raise him for all of his life. But some families do not do quite the same. Once the dog is old, some families choose to take him down or differently said; kill him without pain with the help of a specialized vet. This also was about to happen to figgy. Figgy is an 18-year-old dog who was sent by his owners to the vet to simply get rid of him.

The vet thought that the owners are probably wanting to take him down because the dog might be too sick due to his very old age. But after the examination of the dog was complete, he was found to be quite healthy for his age. Despite Figgy's rotten teeth, blindness and having arthritis he was quite a normal healthy dog. When the family was asked why they wanted their dog to be taken down their answer was breathtaking. They simply said that the dog was too stupid to be continuing to live with them for any longer.

Because of Figgie's blindness, he had come over some accidents while living with the family. So he now was trying to be taken down from them, from the people who he loved for all his life but suddenly didn't love him back. The vet refused to kill the dog and said to the family that he would take care of him and sent him to a senior dog shelter. But of course Figgy would not be happy living without any love in a dog shelter. Luckily there was Sherry Franklin that came to the rescue. She understood that Figgy needed a place to spend her last days at peace and full of love. So she brought him home to her loving family. 

She was just fostering him. In reality, they were waiting and hoping for somebody to adopt him that will truly love him. Figgy might have been luckier than other dogs because just after some time he was spotted by a woman called Eileen. She immediately fell in love with him. Figgy is now in a happy loving home having all the love and all the attention he deserves for a loyal dog he has been. With the time living with Eileen he also gained a new friend, a dog named Abbie who is also adopted.
